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Illustration + Art

This is a hodgepodge of some of my favorite personal and professional illustrations. You'll also see some of these designs sprinkled in other sections of my site, whether they be for social media or illustrations to accompany articles.

A beautiful, colorful portrait drawn by my partner, who's a much more talented artist than me.

Untitled 1.png

Think: Powerpuff Girls

Drawn by my best friend/roomie/thanks for splitting D.C. rent with me.


One of my coworkers stole my iPad to draw this. She said it was of me and my tortoise, Atticus. Very avant garde.

Untitled 14.png

Another coworker who also stole my iPad to draw this: Me walking my tortoise on a leash. (I'm sensing a theme).


A third coworker used her own pen and paper (no thievery here) to draw me in an imaginative, more athletic world, as if I was a contestant on “American Ninja Warrior.”

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